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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pearson family

Two weeks ago, I got to meet sweet Davis and big brother Graham to document their brotherly love. Graham was an amazing big brother and has done a great job at being a big brother. He is protective and wants to cuddle his baby all the time. Once Davis fell asleep, we got some amazing booty shots before I played some Mario Kart with Graham. Both mom and dad were giggling just a little bit as they watched their 3 year old whoop my booty at Mario Kart. The Pearson family is so much fun and I loved getting to hang out and document this sweet addition.

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HB Christmas Photos

2013 was HB's first Christmas and his sweet momma just wanted a few fun shots for his card. He loved the lights and ornaments that it was hard taking these images, just from laughing so hard. He is such a fun kid. For all you worriers: no baby was harmed in the making of these photos, as well as having both mom and dad as spotters! Love this sweet boy and these photos!

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Jack's newborn

I met up with the Grant family a few weeks ago to help celebrate baby Jack's arrival. Big brother Luke was still warming up to the idea, so we played a little. There's nothing that a few Smartie candies can't fix! Once Luke got used to having an addition to the Grant family, he was sweet and lovely and I even got a big kiss. They are all such a sweet family and I loved getting to play with Luke and love on Jack. Hope y'all enjoy these!

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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Compton family

Meet Katie and her beautiful babies!! Katie grew up with my husband and her parents are some of the best people we know. Allie, Will, and Gabby were so much fun and were giggles all day. We went to the Peabody rooftop and got some spectacular views.  Gabby is about to be a teenager, and man she's gorgeous. Will is hilarious and a ball of energy, while Allie is the quiet one.  I wanted to steal her away, she is so sweet! This is a gorgeous family and Katie rocks as their mom!

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M'Leah + Joseph

M'Leah is a fellow DZ girl, and a gorgeous one at that! That and having Joseph be such a good sport made for beautiful photos! It was awesome to have such a fun couple that made me laugh all thru the session. Joseph was so great and wanted M'Leah and I to allow him to showcase his good side. You know he loves that girl when these are the only photos I have seen of him without his baseball cap! I hope you love these like I do!

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Sarah + Andrew

I met up with Sarah and Andrew on the coldest day in the fall. Seriously, it was about 30 degrees.  They had gotten engaged earlier that summer but had wanted a fall feel to their engagement session.  They were so sweet and you could tell that they couldn't wait for their wedding. I loved freezing it out with them and think that we got some great images. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

McCrary's one year!

Lindsey and Michael have their one year wedding anniversary in just a few weeks. They are in complete adoration of each other just as much as they were one year ago. Like so much, that if you weren't a lovey dovey person, you might wanna look away.  Lindsey is like another little sister to me, so these are extra special that they trusted me to capture this special time in their life together. Here is to many more years of sweet marriage, enjoy!

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